Year 8

Homework Task List Year 8: One Point Perspective

Use these videos to help with some of your homework.  There are several tasks in the homework which are directly linked with your level this term.  It is importnat that you work hard to gain your highest level.
Video demo for Patrick Hughes 'Abstract Infinity' .

Video demo for Giorgio de Chirico 'Piazza d'Italia'  

1.Place your self in a room so that you can see it with one point perspective.  Draw the room and it’s contents using one point perspective. 

Check out examples of year 8 students in Brazil on the link below.

2.Research Filippo Brunelleschi and answer the following questions:-

       What did his father do?
       How many were in his family?
       When was he born?
       Where is he from?
       What did he invent?
       What were his jobs?
       Where does his body lie and when did he die?

Do not answer with one-word answers; you have to answer in sentences.  For example Filippo Brunelleschi was born in …. In ….  For a higher level find 5 further interesting facts about his man.

3.  Research Giorgio De Chirico and answer the following questions:-
       When was he born?
       What did his father do?
       When was he born?
       Where is he from?
       What art movement did he inspire?
       Where did he train?
       Where does his body lie and when did he die?
To get a higher level type ‘Giorgio De Chirico: Trains and Childhood Images’ into Google and click on the first page.  Find another 5 facts including why Giorgio uses trains in his work and what kind of a child he was.

4.  Stanley Kubrick uses one point perspective a lot in his work, find an appropriate image from his film ‘2001’ and draw it using one point perspective.   Add a range of tones with pencil.

5.  Go to   Find an image by Patrick Hughes.  Draw it and write down the name of the picture and the date it was made.

6.  Find 2 famous paintings that use one point perspective.  Write the names of the artists, the names of the paintings, the date it was made and what medium it is in. 

7.  Find this Picture ‘Standard Station’ by Edward Ruscha , 1966. Have a go at drawing it using 2-point perspective.

8.  Take home and complete the evaluation sheet for one point perspective.

Task:  9
Architects Job role questions.

Go to this website below and answer the following questions. 

What sort of salary can you earn as an architect?
What sort of hours do they work?
What skills and interests are needed?
What can the security of work for architecture be reliant on?
What qualifications would you need to apply for a university course?
Once at university, describe the three stages for the RIBA?
What Is the UK’s professional membership body for architecture?

Homework Task List for Mexican Mask Project.  Year 8

It is very important that you work hard in producing your homework, as this will have an impact on your overall Level.   Certain homework's are directly linked with your final level mark.

1.     From the Internet, find at least 5 individual Mexican wrestling masks and paste them into word. Make sure they are at least 5cm high; you can make these bigger in Word if you need to.   If you do not have a printer then draw two Mexican wrestling masks instead onto an A4 piece of paper.
Remember your research will help with your ideas, so best to choose masks you like and not the first 5 you find.  

2.     Bring in a T-Shirt to make a print on.  This can be an old T-shirt or a new one but it is best if it is plain.  It can be either a light or dark T-shirt.  Write your name on the label.

3.     Go to this website and answer the following questions about the role of a fashion designer. 

·      Briefly describe the job role.
·      How much do they start off with?
·      What skills are needed to be a designer?
·      What sorts of hours do they work and why?
·      Name at least 3 qualifications needed to get into fashion design?

Do not copy and paste, make sure you write in your own words and so that it makes sense. Do not answer with one word answers.

4.     Type into Google the words ‘Peter Lloyd wrestling Mask’.  Find your favourite picture by this artist and draw it using only line.  Do not shade in.


5.     On 1 A4 piece of paper make a detailed set of instructions on how you made your mask.  Use diagrams to help explain.  Start from when you made the stencil up to the actual printing of the t-shirt.  Look at the example below.

6.     Write up an evaluation of your project.  Use the worksheet that was given to you in the lesson.  If you have lost it then print this copy off below. 

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